Share your stories

We provide you a safe space to discuss your issues and write about the challenges centered around sexual and reproductive health that you or anyone around you is facing amidst the lock down. You can submit your stories, real or fictional around the following themes.


Don’t let modesty silence your basic health needs


The bane of a Pakistani women’s existence


Non-consensual information or data circulating on the internet to harass and threaten Individuals

We have kept themes open so you can let your emotions flow and write naturally. Stories can be submitted in English or Urdu language with real or pen name. Submission details are at the end of the page. 

Tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your sexual and reproductive health?


Reproductive health issues are considered taboo in Pakistan. Women’s sexual health needs and LGBT community are highly neglected. This  campaign is an effort to amplify the voices of youth.



We strive to provide authentic and accessible sexual and reproductive health (SRH) resources to ensure that every young person has equal access to information, even in public health emergencies like COVID-19. 

Sanne Thijssen guest-Facebook live

Samin Qureshi

Content Manager, Daastan

Samin takes keen interest in empowering women and advocating for their rights. She is an inspiration for women to explore their true potential by putting into practise their knowledge and skills. Her research interests are finding the right mix for sustainability and publishing.

Facebook Live Guests Ms Iris Pi

Iris Pi

Co-Founder, Stories to action

Iris was awarded the UNFPA Global Youth Innovation Fellowship (2019) and worked for the UNFPA China office as an Innovator in Mobile Health. She advocates for focus on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women.

Important Dates

Facebook Live SHOW


JUNE 5TH 2020


From 15:00 PM

Submission Cycle


JUNE 10TH 2020


JUNE 20TH 2020

Exciting perks

Top Stories

Digital Publishing

Top Authors

Exclusive Interviews

Results would be announced on 1st July 2020 on our social media handles

Share Your story