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What to buy for book lovers?

The topic of gift-giving has always been a confusing one,...

The audiobooks vs reading debate

On our saddest and happiest of days, books serve as...

How to get out of a reading slump?

Every month at Daastan, we create for you the content...

Greek Mythology Retellings

Apparently Greek mythology retellings seem to be the hype these...

Lit’EDTech Fiesta | 13 | Digital Inclusivity with Maria Zia and M. Shabbir

In episode 13 of Lit’EDTech Fiesta, Daastan invites disability experts,...

Lit’EDTech Fiesta | 11 | Democratizing literature through Creative Writing

In episode 11 of Lit’EDTech Fiesta, Daastan invites two teachers...

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