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Self Publishing

5 Ways Daastan Can Help You Launch Your Own Book

5 ways how Daastan is working to help writers Self-publish their work. Hoping to see more readers promoting local writers and establishing our vision of reinstating a literary culture in Pakistan.

A Tribute to Maj. Aziz Bhatti

Among the most fearless, most resilient creatures on...

Daastan Goes Digital

The launch of our mobile application, which is jam packed with literary goodness, featuring both prose and poetry, in four different languages.

Trailblazers: Daastan’s Outcast Magazine

Daastan's Literary Fellow and highly applauded author of two books, Fatema Bhaiji, launched Outcast Magazine that took the world by storm.

Qissa Accomodates Business Person – Hassan Mueez

A LUMS graduate, and a current Business man, Mr. Hassan Mueez chooses to publish his book titled "Fear Management" through Qissa.

Our Journey from a Handful of People – to Twenty Thousand Strong!

Daastan's Facebook page crosses the monumental number of 20,000 community members, as the company grows stronger and better in the face of all odds.

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