Samin Qureshi

Samin Qureshi is an undergraduate Art student at NCA following her passion for writing through various online avenues. Samin takes a keen interest in empowering women and advocating for their rights. In her free time, Samin loves to cook and listen to old music.

The Bestselling Science Fiction Books of All Time

Introduction: Science fiction has always captivated readers with its ability...

Daastan Published Authors at Pre-Book Conference at UMT ILA

At the Pre-Book Conference, organized by the Institute of...

Top Book Publishers of Pakistan

In the diverse landscape of Pakistani literature, there are...

Rawish Ali Tirmizi and Her Enchanting Love Story

This is an unconventional Love Story that you're about to...

Daastan X Stories To Action Facebook Live Show

Daastan announced its thematic campaign on June 1st,...

Exercises To Improve Writing Skills

Tips on improving your writing skills to engage your readers into your book and meet the publishers' criteria.

Daastan’s Resources For Writers

Pakistan's publishing industry is growing at a fast...

Simple Steps to Publish Your Own Book

A simple step-by-step guide to publish your own book.

5 Ways Daastan Can Help You Launch Your Own Book

5 ways how Daastan is working to help writers Self-publish their work. Hoping to see more readers promoting local writers and establishing our vision of reinstating a literary culture in Pakistan.

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