Samin Qureshi

Samin Qureshi is an undergraduate Art student at NCA following her passion for writing through various online avenues. Samin takes a keen interest in empowering women and advocating for their rights. In her free time, Samin loves to cook and listen to old music.

The Bestselling Science Fiction Books of All Time

Introduction: Science fiction has always captivated readers with its ability...

Daastan Published Authors at Pre-Book Conference at UMT ILA

At the Pre-Book Conference, organized by the Institute of...

Top Book Publishers of Pakistan

In the diverse landscape of Pakistani literature, there are...

Debunking Myths and Stating Facts: A Conversation on Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting...

Paving Ways for Active Engagement of Pakistan in the OGP

Daastan in collaboration with Accountability lab Pakistan recently conducted a...

Online Reading Vs Traditional Reading In Today’s World

Online reading has been growing more popular each year. This...

The Greatest Novels Ever Written

Literature more commonly refers to writings that are considered to...

Daastan’s 25 minutes with Kamran Faiq: From International Film Festivals to Pakistani Cinema

Pakistani cinema continues to remain a subject of interest owing...

Daastan Signs Senior Author – Aslam Bazmi

Daastan's CEO Mr. Ommer Amer recently met Mr Aslam Bazmi and Asif Syed. They discussed publishing in Pakistan and the possibility of opening Daastan's office abroad.

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