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Lit’EDTech Fiesta | 06 | Is children’s literature in Pakistan dead?

We are back with another episode of Lit’EDTech Fiesta. In...

Lit’EDTech Fiesta | 03 | The Evolving Role of Bookstagrammers

In episode 3 of Lit’EDTech Fiesta, three bookstagrammers; Rida Ashraf,...

In Conversation with Sehr Emad

We are back with another author interview! This time Team Daastan...

In conversation with Niddal Bin Tahir

In the perilous time of corona, almost every aspect of...

Meet Daastan’s Youngest Author – Rabeeta Abbas

At Daastan, we have a diverse literary pool. Every time...

#MyPeriodStory | Daastan X Raaji

“Coming of age” is an exciting time in one’s life....

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