Every month, we at Daastan make sure that all you readers and writers are engaged in some literary activity. Providing opportunity is one of our key goals to uplift the Literary space in Pakistan. This month, we joined hands with Khudkaar to bring attention to the South of Pakistan. We are excited to present to you this march, Lit’Tech Layyah!
What is Lit’Tech Layyah?
Lit’Tech Layyah is a Literary Festival located at the heart of South Punjab. Daastan and Khudkaar will be conducting a series of events to engage the local literaties in community-building activities.Due to lack of internet literacy, people in Layyah do not have the right exposure to keep up with the world and thus there is extreme poverty. Our team will upskill the youth of Layyah with modern digital skills, so that they can earn a sustainable living and break free of poverty.
Through our extensive reach and network, we will help bring the new unsung artists of Layyah on mainstream. We are also planning a Cultural night to engage the audience from South Punjab to promote the local crafts and artists. The two other core parts of Lit’Tech Layyah are:
Lit’Talks | Power Discussions
A series of workshops by the domain experts from Pakistan and across borders will be broadcasted on Daastan’s social handles for the people of Layyah. The aim of these sessions will be for youth to learn modern digital skills, trends and connect with professionals for career guidance. The main aim of these online Live sessions will be to:
1- Scale Small Business
2- Promote Digital Literacy
3- Establish Arts Council
4- Conduct Capacity Building
5- Setup Research Labs
Our vision is to eliminate poverty from Layyah by 2030 and we are working to not only get local government leaders to sign the charter of demands but also engage academia to take practical steps in helping us achieve this vision.
Our upcoming Talks will feature:
Lit’Think | Writing Challenge
As part of Lit’Tech Layyah, Daastan and KhudKaar are launching a short-story Writing Competition ‘KhudMukhtaar‘ on the theme of Self-reliance ( خود مختار). The topic of our short story writing contest is (میں خود مختار، میرا وجود خود کار!) I am self-reliant and self-made is my existence. We will begin collecting stories from 8th March till 24th March. Winners will be announced at the closing ceremony of Lit’Tech Layyah on 28th March. Winners will receive cash prizes. Check out details of the writing challenge here.
What is KhudKaar?
KhudKaar House is a community center which aims to build the economic capacity of people in District Layyah by empowering them through digital literacy, education and skill-building. Founded by Wardah Noor, Khudkaar House is striving to eliminate poverty in Layyah.