Pen A Friend | Letter Writing Amidst Covid-19

With the rapid increase in social and technological developments, our primitive ways of  living also evolved, including the way we interact with each other. Having so many time-saving luxuries at hand, everyone has got accustomed to having things done quickly. Hence growing the seeds of impatience in almost everyone. Daastan has launched a letter writing campaign called Pen A Friend. We are taking submissions of letters based on the theme of Covid 19. 

What is Pen A Friend?

Pen A Friend is a letter writing contest by Daastan, in collaboration with WriterTalks. We are taking submissions for real or fictional letters written to show love and provide emotional support during the pandemic. The year 2020, with all its follies gave every single one of us six billion a jarring wake-the-hell-up call!

Why Write A Letter?

This year challenged our basic instinct of survival. A global shutdown, restricting worldwide travel. Even those living in the same streets and neighbourhoods could not meet. In a time as such – a mere touch of a friend, a mother’s hug, a grandparent’s embrace, a spouse’s kiss and even a stranger’s handshake seemed like an insurmountable longing.So many people around the world lost their loved ones. Some lost their jobs. Among these unspeakable losses, mental health of people got badly damaged. A wave of collective depression, engulfing each person for different reasons. 

To sweeten the sourness and lessen the bitterness of 2020, why not revisit the trend of letter writing and Pen A Friend? Letter writing is simple yet effective. It gives two individuals a chance to show up for each other with undivided attention. It eliminates the requirement of instant replies and makes the whole process more enjoyable through the act of anxious wait.

How To Submit?

You can share your letters on our form here. Word Limit for the letters is 700 to 1000 words. You can write letters in English as well as Urdu. The last date to submit your letter is 27th January!

So gear up your writing skills and send us your supportive letters. Daastan and Writertalks will choose 3 best entries which will be published on Daastan’s portal Qissa. Hurry up and Pen A Friend!

Submit Your Letter


Samin Qureshi
Samin Qureshi is an undergraduate Art student at NCA following her passion for writing through various online avenues. Samin takes a keen interest in empowering women and advocating for their rights. In her free time, Samin loves to cook and listen to old music.

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