Only a journey of three short and sweet months into the launch of Qissa, Daastan’s Facebook family grew to ten thousand strong. It was a momentous achievement for us. Not only were we touching the lives of thousands of people offline, but our reach had also crossed the 5-digit mark. The team that worked day and night felt invincible, and were aiming for heights that grazed the highest of mountains and then went a bit further. Along with the feeling of happiness though was attached a feeling of responsibility. The executives of the company understood that from then onward, every little thing they would share with their community would have to be one which contributed positively in the life of all their readers.

Our Journey Continues on Facebook!

And thus, began the second phase in the journey of Daastan growing its Facebook family. The page not only serves as the central social media hub for Daastan, apart from its websites, but is also used as a breaking-news room for the company. It features all the news of happenings from both inside and outside Daastan, letting our community know about our achievements. The crowd funding campaigns that Daastan became famous for, which helped bring the work of their authors to print, are now also all held on Facebook.

We Know We Make An Impact

Our Facebook serves as a way for us to interact with the community. We eventually hired social media representatives who would post questions and anecdotes that helped keep the conversation flowing. Daastan also utilized this resource by sharing each and every opportunity that came their way through their friends. Daastan coined its very own hashtags such as #AchievementUnlocked, which was later adopted by many companies for sharing their accomplishments with their social media gang. And so, a couple years after the first monumental breakthrough in the number of followers, Daastan saw that their reach had doubled to twenty thousand. Looking back now, it seems that it wasn’t only the numbers that grew so remarkably, but also the impact. 

Want to keep up with all the exciting news and opportunities? Follow us on our Facebook page!