The Conception of Qissa:

The journey of Daastan and its self-publishing platform ‘Qissa’ started in the year of 2014. The founder, Syed Ommer Amer, also the author of Qissa’s debut novel, put his heart and soul into two things. First, the novel itself, which was to be the first domino in the disruption of the literary industry of Pakistan. Second, after being rejected by a publisher and seemingly at a loss of another way to bring his work to the public – the creation of Daastan. That is where it all began.

Fast forward two years – through a six month incubation in Plan9 and bringing Daastan’s vision to national and international media and making waves throughout the industry – to the start of 2016, which finally brought with itself the fruit of countless hours of toil, rejections, sleepless nights, extreme criticism and dejection, and the fruit was as sweet as the team had predicted. Qissa – Pakistan’s first self-publishing platform – a service to make publishing easier, and to finally bring forth all the opportunities that the writers of this country had been previously deprived of, was here.

The protagonist of The Forbidden Story

What The Forbidden Story is About:

And with it, came the realization of the founder’s dream – in the form of his novel finally getting published. ‘The Forbidden Story’ is Pakistan’s first action thriller novel. It features the life of comrades under the banner of ‘Flame’ who are code named Angel and Hamza. It is a story of the quest that follows when they find their colleague and fellow Ignitors brutally murdered by the followers of Flame’s enemy, and their corpses left in cold blood. It isn’t until Flame’s Secret Database gets broken into and their finest marks-woman is captured, that Angel and Hamza realize that they might have blundered.

The tale follows the visionary Rex, leader of the Flame, and the evil antagonist Sal, the creator of the assassins, through eleven chapters written in a manner that one can’t help but keep flipping pages to get to the end.

Where can I read it?

You can read the whole novel online HERE

If you are an author looking to get published and make history, you can learn about our services here and avail them by joining us on Qissa.